Coromandel Crewel

Data Protection

Company details

Coromandel Crafts Limited is registered at Unit A, 82 James Carter Road, Mildenhall, Bury St Edmunds, England IP28 7DE. Our company registration number is 01347164.

Our Data Protection Officer is Gail Millar.

You can contact us using the address above, by email at, or by telephone on +44 7740 493444.

Personal data collection and processing

We have a legal obligation under the Data Protection Act of 1998 to ensure that all information held and processed complies with the principles of the Act. The Act requires all personal information to be treated under the strictest confidence and to be used only for purposes of which you are aware.

We will treat all personal data as private and confidential. Nothing about a client’s contact details will be disclosed to anyone, other than in four exceptional cases permitted by law. These are:

* where we are legally required to do so. For example, to comply with money laundering regulations, and to help stop criminals using financial products or services to launder money. Some acts of parliament oblige us to disclose information about our customers to certain bodies with statutory powers.
* where there is a duty to the public to disclose.
* where disclosure is required to protect our interest (this will not be used as a reason for disclosing information about you for marketing purposes).
* where disclosure is made at your request or with your consent.

Use of Email
Should you decide to send us email, you should remember that messages sent over the Internet are not 100% secure and you should therefore think very carefully before including any information of a confidential nature. For our part, we will respect the confidentiality of your information and will limit the content of any email we create to reflect the security limitations that currently exist within the Internet environment.

Your Rights and Privacy
Under the Data Protection Act our clients have the right to access the information we hold about them. The act allows us to charge a £10.00 fee for this service. If anything is inaccurate or incorrect, please let us know and we will correct it immediately.

If you do not want to receive unsolicited mail from other companies, you can prevent this by registering with the Mail Preference Service. In addition the Telephone and Fax Preference Services enable you to object to receiving unsolicited marketing phone calls or faxes from other companies. To register, simply telephone the appropriate number below:

* Mailing Preference Service: 0207 291 3310
* Telephone Preference Service: 0207 291 3320
* Fax Preference Service: 0207 291 3330

For more details about all the preference services, please see the Direct Marketing Associations website at: